Maneira tau password ba Folder la uza software iha windows 7, 8, 10
Olla belun sira hotu.... iha oportunidade ida ne'e ha'u hakarak fahe oituan kona-ba oinsa mak ita bele tau password ba Forlder iha windows 7,8 no 10. Di'ak belun sira ita hotu sempre iha dadus file ne'ebe mak privadu no importante atu ema seluk labele haree no hatene. Tamba ne'e mak iha oportunidade ida ne'e Biotek-fmf halo tutorial ida kona-ba oinsa ita bele tau password ba Folder ne'ebe mak privadu no importante atu ema seluk labele asesu.Iha ema balun ne'ebe maka lakohi ema seluk asesu ka haree no hatene ninia dadus privadu, segredu, importante iha nia laptop laran, termasuk ha'u mos ida hotu.😄.
Iha maneira ne'ebe maka bele asegura ita nia dadus iha folder nia laran, ida maka tau password ba folder refere. Iha tutorial ida ne'e ha'u sei esplika kona-ba oinsa tau password ba folder iha windows 7,8 no 10.
Maneira tau password ba folder iha windows 7,8 no 10 maka hanesan tuir mai :
1. Belun sira kria/halo folder ida ne'ebe mak atu tau password. Iha tutorial ida ne'e ha'u tau password ba folder naran Biotek-fmf hanesan imajen iha kraik ne'e.2. Tuir mai loke folder refere (ne'ebe mak atu tau password) depois klike iha mouse liman-loos > New > Text Document.
3. Hatama Script kodigu iha kraik ne'e ba laran.
title Folder Private
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "HTG Locker"
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker"
ren "HTG Locker" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
4. Tuir mai hanesan imajen iha kraik ne'e liafuan TROKA PASSWORD IHA NE'E ho password ne'ebe mak belun sira atu tau. Ezemplu iha ne'e ha'u tau password biotek-fmf sai hanesan password ba folder Biotek-fmf.
5. Depois de ida ne'e, belun sira klike iha File > Save as depois tau nia naran Type name = locked.bat tuir mai Save as type hili All files > Save.
6. Tuir mai belun sira hapaga tiha file new text document hela mak locked, hanesan imajen iha kraik ne'e.
7. Tuir mai belun sira klike dala rua iha file locked refere, maka folder Private mosu automatikamente. Depois de folder Private mosu belun sira hatam file sira ne'ebe mak segredu ka importante ne'e hotu ba iha folder Private refere.
8. Depois de belun sira tau hotu file ka dadus sira iha folder Private laran, tuir mai belun sira klike dala rua iha locked maka sei mosu hanesan imajen iha kraik ne'e, belun sira hanehan butaun Y iha tekladu/Keyboard. depois Enter
9. Bainhira belun sira hanesan ona butaun Enter mak automatika folder Private lakon. no hela maka locked.
10. Tuir mai oinsa maka bele hare fila fali folder ne'ebe mak file/dadus segredu sira iha laran ne'e?
Maka belun sira klike dalarua iha locked refere maka sei mosu hanesan imajen iha kraik ne'e, belun sira hakerek/ketik password ne'ebe mak ohin belun sira halo, depois hanehan butaun Enter, maka folder private mosu fila-fali. Karik halokan fila fali klike dalarua iha locked depois Y > Enter.
Karik haluha ninia password oinsa ????
Karik belun sira haluha ninia password, belun sira klike mouse liman-loos iha file locked refere, depois hili Edit. Troka belun sira nia password hanesan esplikasaun iha numenru 4 leten ne'e.Di'ak belun sira ida ne'e mak esplikasaun badak kona-ba oinsa tau password ba ita nia folder dadus ne'ebe importante ka segredu atu ema seluk labele asesu, espera katak ho tutorial ida ne'e bele ajuda belun sira atu asegura belun sira nia dadus. Karik belun sira iha duvidas, ou sujestaun bele fo komentariu iha okos. Ikus liu karik sente artikulu ida ne'e di'ak bele sharing ba kolega sira seluk.
(keta haluha follow me > muda tun (scroll down) iha kraik klike butaun azul (ikuti) no Like fanpage facebook.)
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